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问天科学讲坛(总第144场)_黄永刚 教授
(来源:航空学院 作者:李红艳 编辑: 点击:1400 发表时间:2019-04-09)


  : Relation between blood pressure and pulse wave velocity for human arteries

报告人:黄永刚  教授 (美国西北大学)





黄永刚教授是美国西北大学机械工程学院和土木与环境工程学院的Walter P. Murphy冠名教授,是固体力学领域的国际顶尖专家,美国工程院院士。研究兴趣集中于可延展电子器件和微尺度复杂三维结构制造领域,解决了其中存在的关键力学问题,为这些高端技术的发展起到了决定性的作用。其领导的研究小组是该领域的引领者,先后获得中国国家自然科学基金委员会海外杰出青年基金(2000)、德国洪堡科学家和学者基金(2001)、美国机械工程师协会(ASME)Gustus L. Larson奖(2003)、ASME George W. Melville Medal奖(2004)、工程科学学会(SES)青年学者奖(2006)、国际塑性杂志奖(2007)、美国Guggenheim Fellowship(2008)、ASME Charles Russ Richards Award奖(2010)、ASME Daniel C. Drucker Medal奖(2013),ASME Nadai Medal奖(2016)和ASME Prager Medal奖(2017),并于2009年、2014年、2015年获得ISI Highly Cited Researcher。担任Journal of Applied Mechanics (Transactions of the ASME)主编、工程科学协会(the Society of Engineering Science)主席和多个国际期刊的编委或者地区主编。黄永刚教授共出版专著2本,发表期刊论文和著作章节500余篇,在Nature(4篇)、Science(10篇)、Cell(1篇)、Nature Materials(9篇)、Nature Nanotechnology(2篇)、Nature Communications(12篇)、Advanced Materials(17篇)、PNAS(15篇)和JMPS(47篇)等高水平期刊上发表多篇文章。

Abstract:Continuous monitoring of blood pressure, an essential measure of health status, typically requires complex, costly, and invasive techniques that can expose patients to risks of complications.  Continuous, cuffless, and noninvasive blood pressure monitoring methods that correlate measured pulse wave velocity (PWV) to the blood pressure via the Moens−Korteweg (MK) and Hughes Equations, offer promising alternatives.  The MK Equation, however, involves two assumptions that do not hold for human arteries, and the Hughes Equation is empirical, without any theoretical basis.  The results presented here establish a relation between the blood pressure P and PWV that does not rely on the Hughes Equation nor on the assumptions used in the MK Equation.  This relation degenerates to the MK Equation under extremely low blood pressures, and it accurately captures the results of in vitro experiments using artificial blood vessels at comparatively high pressures.  For human arteries, which are well characterized by the Fung hyperelastic model, a simple formula between P and PWV is established within the range of human blood pressures.  This formula is validated by literature data as well as by experiments on human subjects, with applicability in the determination of blood pressure from PWV in continuous, cuffless, and noninvasive blood pressure monitoring systems.

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